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Concord Missionary Baptist Church

Where Jesus Is Lord And Everybody Is Somebody

Meet Pastor Delbert R. Brown

Pastor Concord Missionary Baptist Church


Reverend Delbert R. Brown a native of Arkansas. Married to the former Lorraine Johnson of West Columbia, South Carolina . He have three children and ten grandchildren.

Acknowledge his call into the ministry in 1989, Lawton, OK.  

Ordained in 1992, Kruezburg, Germany.

Associate of Art degree, Central Texas College.

Associate of Science & Bachelor of Science, University of Maryland.

Bachelor of Theology Th.B. with Honors (Magna Cum Laude) from  

American Baptist College of American Baptist Theological Seminary. 

A Who’s Who among Students in America University and Colleges.

Pastor, Concord Missionary Baptist Church Clarksville TN.

President of the Missionary Baptist State Convention of Tennessee.

Finance Committee member National Baptist Convention of America  International inc.

Executive Secertary Treasury of College and Seminary Board National Baptist Convention of America International inc.

Board of Directors National Baptist Convention of America International inc.

Trustee Simmons College of the Bible Louisville KY.


Previous Service 


Moderator of Cumberland River South Kentucky Middle Tennessee Baptist District


President of the Missionary Baptist State Convention of Tennessee Congress of Christian   


Pastors Conference Board of the National  Baptist Convention of America Incorporated

President of the Pastor Conference for the Cumberland River South Kentucky Middle

Tennessee Baptist District Association.

Established an Pastored a mission church in Bahrain Saudi, Arabia.

Pastor Kreuzburg Community Chapel, Kreuzburg, Germany.

Pastor Ogburn Chapel Missionary Baptist Church Clarksville, TN.

Member of the Education Board, National Baptist Convention of America.

Committee Chair on Education for the Clarksville Branch of the NAACP.

Chair of  the Orthodoxy Committee National Baptist Convention of America  International inc.

President N.I.A. Board of Directors.

Power Board Secertary for the Clarksville Department of Electricity.

Member for City of Clarksville Storm Water Drainage  Committee.

Dean, Clarksville Baptist School of Religion.

Retired veteran of twenty years service with the United States Army.

Awards and decoration include The Army Commendation Medal (six oak leaf cluster).

Meritorious Service Medal (third oak leaf cluster), and The Bronze Star for service to this country the Persian Gulf War.